Meet Our Staff

Meet the Ross Adult Day Center staff. For decades our team of caregivers, including RNs and coordinators, have dedicated themselves to caring for older adults who may be disabled or need help with daily care.


Cary Trantalis RN, MSN, Vice President of Eldercare Services “As a Registered Nurse in Eastern Connecticut since 1986, I find it professionally and personally fulfilling to assist seniors in navigating systems to find solutions to meet their social and healthcare needs. Seeing them live secure and happy lives is an honor.”
Amy Merchant, RN, Supervisor Ross Adult Day Center “I've been working with the elderly population since 1991 and I consider it a privilege to help care for those who have cared for us.”
Rosemary Kamireddy, RN, Clinical Community Liaison “I like to connect with people, and can find humor and the silver lining in most situations. I’ve been caring for seniors in this community since 1989.”
Dawn Lesinski, COTA/L, Activity Director "With a background in Yoga and Occupational Therapy, my passion is helping people live life to the fullest."