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Take Care of Yourself

As a caregiver, you may find yourself with so many daily tasks that you forget to take care of yourself. The best thing you can do for the person you are caring for is stay physically and emotionally strong. Here’s how:

  1. Be sure to visit your doctor at least annually.
  2. “Listen” to your body. If you are experiencing any of symptoms listed below, they should be taken seriously. Ignoring these symptoms can cause your physical & mental health to decline.
    • Exhausted
    • Stressed
    • Having sleepless nights
    • Experiencing changes in appetite or behavior

Explore ways you can be active with the person that you are caring for. Here are a few ideas:

  • Take a walk together outside to enjoy the fresh air.
  • Go to the mall and take a stroll indoors.
  • Do seated exercises at home.
  • Dance together to favorite music.
  • Garden or do other routine activities that you both enjoy.